Stationary recycling:
From XS to XXL!
Huge volumes of plastic waste are produced every day across the globe, both in the production of plastics and in many other industry sectors (e.g. automotive, food, cosmetics, waste management, etc.). Needless to say, this places a great strain on the environment. Plastic, in particular, is a material with a high value and in many cases has a recycling rate of nearly 100%.
Cross-industry recycling concepts
High recycling capacities on several locations
Plastics production waste from thermoplastics and technical plastics
Baled material, shredded goods, ground products, mixed and multi-component materials
Crates, boxes, large waste containers, plastic pallets, plastic sheets, components, profiles, pipes
With intelligent recycling concepts and innovative technology, we are your qualified partner for the highly-efficient recycling of raw materials in the production cycle. We have three state-of-the-art processing sites and enormous potential to process large volumes and a wide range of scrap products rapidly, cleanly and efficiently. We are always the right contact for “major” challenges. With our XXL grinding, we even process large refuse bins, bales, plastic pallets, large industrial crates, pipes, etc. into high-quality ground material.
With our activity we not only help the environment, we also help you, as you save time and raw material costs, in addition to communicating a high sense of responsibility in your dealings with finite resources.
We will find your recycling solution!
Mobile or stationary - we are your competent partner for any type of grinding. Feel free to give us a call.
Dinklager Ring 1
49413 Dinklage
Phone +49 4443 97788-0
Fax +49 4443 97788-15
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Thees Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH / Thees Mobile GmbH – © Copyright 2020